Innova Spas

Rated #1 Lowest Cost To Own Spas In The Industry

Comfort, therapy and relaxtion that everyone can afford.

Our different spa models address different consumer preferences based on individual lifestyles.

If you love simplicity and open spaces, we have the spa for that. If you’re looking for togetherness with family and/or friends, we can accommodate you. If there’s a need for intense massage, we have the power, and if you prefer togetherness in a “sit back and relax” environment, we have that spa too.

Easy Control Whirlpool Jet
Ultra-powerful jet allowing control of very precise massage zones in the spa.
You can centralize the entire power of the spa in the Whirlpool jet in order to create a deep massage of the back, legs, or arms, depending on your location in the spa.
Soft, Cascading Waterfall
Enjoy the soothing sound of cascading water with multicolor LED backlighting and different rythms. A control valve lets you adjust the overflow for different level of relaxation.
Optimal Power
We have optimized the plumbing to ensure powerful jets and precise massages. The quality is guaranteed.
Unique Seating Layouts
Ideal for people 5′ to 6’3″
Plug & Play
As soon as you receive your spa, you can plug it into a standard 120V outlet and start using it right away! There’s no reason to call in an electrician.
Depending on your needs, you can also convert it to 240V

About Innova

Your InnovaSpa was manufactured as a one-piece polyethylene spa, including a totally sealed polyethylene bottom. No rotting, and rodents can’t move in. Polyethylene is not only virtually indestructible, it is lightweight, it won’t hold bacteria, it can be cleaned with soap and water, and scratches are easily repaired. No wonder garbage cans, portable toilets, the cones on combines, kayaks, canoes, RV tanks, and many other products are made of polyethylene. They will last virtually forever.

InnovaSpa spas are made in Drummondville, Quebec in a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility. They are rotationally-molded from virgin polyethylene using a computer-controlled process that ensures the uniform thickness of the spa walls and the integrity of the structural support. Your spa will be extremely rigid, and it will last virtually forever.

Most of the plumbing and electronic components that are used to make an InnovaSpa are manufactured by industry-leading manufacturers such as Balboa, LX and CMP. This helps to ensure that you will have continued and reliable spa performance. Each spa also undergoes several quality control inspections to help ensure that you will enjoy trouble-free operation.

Simply put, our employees take pride in the products they produce and they want you to enjoy worry-free relaxation.

Your spa surface will not fade or crack. If it gets dirty, it can easily be cleaned using soap and water. Polyethylene is also an inert material, so it won’t react with any spa chemicals to distort the surface finish. And because polyethylene won’t hold bacteria, keeping a clean and healthy spa environment doesn’t get any easier.


Size: 79"x76"x32"

Dry Weight: 420lbs

Gallons: 310

Seats: 5 w/ lounger

Jets: 20

Pump Specs: (1) 2HP 2SP

Features: LED Lighting Package w/ Waterfall

Electrical: 120V Plug n Play or 240V


Size: 85"x72"x34"

Dry Weight: 320lbs

Gallons: 275

Seats: 5

Jets: 21

Pump Specs: (1) 2HP 2SP

Features: LED Lighting Package w/ Waterfall

Electrical: 120V Plug n Play or 240V

Size: 82"x72"x35"

Dry Weight: 350lbs

Gallons: 275

Seats: 4-5 w/ lounger

Jets: 24

Pump Specs: (1) 2HP 2SP

Features: LED Lighting Package w/ Waterfall

Electrical: 120V Plug n Play or 240V

Size: 82"x82"x34"

Dry Weight: 515lbs

Gallons: 330

Seats: 5-6

Jets: 29

Pump Specs: (1) 2HP 2SP

Features: LED Lighting Package w/ Waterfall

Electrical: 120V Plug n Play or 240V

Stream | InnovaSpa

Size: 83"x78"x34"

Dry Weight: 515lbs

Gallons: 330

Seats: 5-6 w/ lounger

Jets: 33

Pump Specs: (1) 2HP 2SP

Features: LED Lighting Package w/ Waterfall

Electrical: 120V Plug n Play or 240V